Las Techno-Tamaladas, de Lima a San Jose is a series of online and offline events with Transartist chola, feminist techno-witch and language activist Cecilia Vilca Ocharan and Interdisciplinary performance artist, professor and cultural manager Lorena Lo Peña.
We are doing an artist residency during July and August, with public events in September and October. Please check event pages.
We, Cecilia Vilca & Lorena Lo Peña, join forces to work at the intersection of performance, technology and science. We research transversally in gender technologies, body politics, aesthetic Colonization and the microphysics of power. This involves us as artists but also as social individuals that do not escape their environment. Our methodology has two aspects: the artistic practice and its reflection, which is completed with the retro feed of the audience/participant without which it would have no meaning. We work together transdisciplinary, Lorena from Performance Art and Cecilia from Media Art, in a true co-creation on the border of disciplines where each one nurtures and participates in the practice of the other. Our backgrounds led us to create our first interactive digital performance ENCAJA/INSERT: S vs. L. It was conceived as a traveling piece for different audiences. In these successive trips this project allowed us a reflection that then materialized in conferences, publications, and seminars. The second project that we do together, Forensic Love and Visceral Data, like the first one, is also the reaffirmation of the commitment to a way of working that implies getting involved from the skin, heart, and wounds to heal together. Processes that from individuality become collective in a transversal and rhizomatic way. This is how our projects are, they are born from our personal crusades and therefore they are made of the matter of cyclones, dreams, life. They are micropolitical flesh.
MACLA Cultura Power Fellowship